The “Polish Cloud 2.0.” standard

On 2 February 2022, the Polish Bank Association (Związek Banków Polskich – ZBP) published a standard for implementing a public or hybrid cloud – “Polish Cloud 2.0.” (hereinafter: “Standard”), describing the rules for using cloud technology in the financial sector.

The document published by the ZBP is based among others on the requirements specified in Communication from the UKNF of 23 January 2020 on information processing by supervised entities using public or hybrid cloud computing services. The Standard also takes into account the cloud-related “Questions and answers (Q&A)” available on the KNF Board’s website.

The topics covered by the Standard include a study on the situation in which a cloud service also constitutes outsourcing in banking activities. The Standard also includes sample documents and templates which may be used by a bank when preparing for the implementation of a cloud service.

The Standard is available at: