IBNS inside ATMs

24 September saw entry into force of the Regulation amending the Regulation on the requirements for the protection of monetary values stored and transported by entrepreneurs and other organisational units[1]. It has introduced the requirement for at least 40% of ATMs to be equipped with Intelligent Banknote Neutralisation System (IBNS).

Thanks to that system, in case of any unauthorised attempt at removing or opening the ATM cassette, banknotes are automatically and irreversibly damaged by being stained with paint. It also provides a possibility of later tracing of such banknotes. IBNS is intended to increase ATM security, prevent theft of cash and effectively discourage potential thieves from attacks on ATMs.

Detailed requirements for IBNS are laid down in Annex 1a to the Regulation (https://dziennikustaw.gov.pl/DU/rok/2021/pozycja/1739).

Owners of ATMs have been given 24 months to adapt their devices to the new requirements.

[1] Regulation of the Minister of the Interior and Administration of 15 September 2021 amending the Regulation on the requirements for the protection of monetary values stored and transported by entrepreneurs and other organisational units (Journal of Laws 2021, item 1739).

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