Privacy and cookie policy

This document concerns the processing and protection of personal data relating to Users in connection with their use of the website (hereinafter referred to as ‘Website’). By using the Website, the User accepts the terms of the Privacy and cookie policy, and consents to the processing of their data.

User’ is a natural person, legal person or organisational unit without legal capacity using the electronic services available on the Website.

We respect the right to privacy of the Website Users while protecting personal data and applying appropriate organisational and technical solutions aimed at preventing any third-party interference in the privacy of the Website Users. Our activities are carried out in accordance with the applicable legislation, including in particular:

  1. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), hereinafter referred to as ‘GDPR’;
  2. Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services using electronic means;
  3. Act of 16 July 2004 Telecommunications Law (hereinafter referred to as ‘Telecommunications Law’).

Please be informed that the Website may contain links to external websites, however we are not responsible for the privacy and cookie policies of those websites. Out of concern for your safety, before using external websites which are beyond our control, we suggest that the Users should familiarise themselves with the privacy and cookie policy of each such website.

We would also like to inform you that:

  1. The controller of your personal data is the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (Urząd Komisji Nadzoru Finansowego – UKNF) with its registered office at: ul. Piękna 20, 00-549 Warsaw.
  2. You may contact the Data Protection Officer (Inspektor Ochrony Danych – IOD) via e-mail: and by post:
    Urząd Komisji Nadzoru Finansowego
    Inspektor Ochrony Danych
    Piękna 20
    PO Box 419
    00-549 Warsaw.
  3. User’s data will be processed by the UKNF for the purpose of the electronic services provided through the Website, on the basis of the User’s consent (under Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR), including for the purpose of:
    1. responding to a request sent by the User using the contact form available on the Website;
    2. sending the newsletter to Users who have agreed to subscribe to the newsletter;
    3. managing the Website;
    4. analysing the Users’ aggregated traffic on the Website, and for statistical purposes;
    5. adapting the content of the Website to the User’s needs.
  4. User’s personal data may also be processed to handle a complaint submitted in connection with the services provided through the Website or to exercise or defend the Controller’s legal claims against the User (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).
  5. With regard to the use of the Website by the User, HTTP requests to the server are collected. The browsed resources are identified by URL addresses and concern, among others:
    1. the public IP address of the User’s device from which the request was received;
    2. the time of receipt of the request;
    3. the amount of data sent by the server;
    4. information about the User’s browser;
    5. information about errors that occurred during the http transaction.

In addition, when carrying out other activities, such as contacting the UKNF with regard to the Innovation Hub Programme, the User may be asked to provide, among others: name and e-mail address.

  1. The collected server logs, such as IP address or domain, are stored for an indefinite period of time and used to generate statistics necessary for the administration of the Website. Those are aggregate reports that do not contain any features identifying the visitors to the Website.
  2. Providing the personal data by the User is voluntary but necessary for the effective provision of the services covered by this Privacy and cookie policy by the UKNF. User’s refusal to provide personal data will prevent the provision of the above-mentioned services and may prevent, for example, the processing of complaints submitted by the User.
  3. User may withdraw consent to the processing of data at any time, without giving reasons, which will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent before its withdrawal.
  4. User’s personal data may be received by:
    1. entities providing postal services and entities providing delivery services using means of electronic communication, where it is necessary to exchange correspondence;
    2. entities with whom the Controller concluded a service agreement in connection with the IT systems being
  5. User’s personal data will not be transferred without the User’s consent to recipients in third countries or to international organisations, with the exception of public authorities, including those in third countries, in cases where the legal basis is the commonly applicable law. Personal data may be processed by other entities in accordance with EU or national legislation.
  6. Personal data will be processed for the period necessary for the purposes referred to in points iii) and iv) above, and until the time limit for claims relating to the processing of personal data in connection with the provision of the services through the Website expires.
  7. Personal data will not be subject to automated decision-making, including profiling. 
  8. The User whose personal data are processed has – in principle – the right to:
    1. access and to receive a copy of personal data;
    2. request rectification of personal data;
    3. request erasure of personal data;
    4. request restriction of processing of personal data;
    5. object to the processing of personal data, on grounds relating to a particular situation which justifies the cessation of the processing the objection relates to;
    6. personal data portability;
    7. lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, e. the President of the Personal Data Protection Office in a Member State, if the User believes that the processing of personal data by the Controller breaches the provisions of the GDPR or the Act on personal data protection. The complaint should be sent to the address available at:

In accordance with Article 173 of the Telecommunications Law, we would like to inform you that the Website uses cookies, which are, in particular, text files stored in the User's device, i.e. a small piece of information saved by a server on the User’s computer which can be read by the server when reconnecting from that computer. The collected information is in no way linked to the User’s personal data and is not obtained to determine the User’s identity. In particular, cookies do not allow viruses or other unwanted software or malware to enter the User’s device.  Such files allow the identification of the software used by the User and the adaptation of the Website to each individual User.

 Cookies are used to:

  1. make it easier for the User to use the Website while browsing;
  2. identify the User in the event of a repeated connection between the Website and the User’s device on which the cookies are stored;
  3. adapt the content of the Website pages to the User’s individual needs and preferences;
  4. create statistics aimed at understanding how Users of the Website use websites, which enables improvement of their structure and content.

The Website uses the following cookies: 

  1. JSESSIONID – a session cookie which is created and exists only for the duration of a browser session. It is necessary for the correct operation of the Website;
  2. _utma – a file stored on your computer’s disk when you visit a website for the first time. The file contains a unique identification number by means of which an analytical tool can identify a unique and new user;
  3. _utmb – a cookie responsible for storing information about a particular visit;
  4. _utmc – a cookie that works with _utmb to determine whether to start tracking new visits or whether the data collected should be counted as existing visits;
  5. _utmz – a cookie containing information about the sources of visits. It makes it possible to count e.g. visits from search engines.

It is possible to change the terms for storing or receiving cookies by configuring the settings in your web browsers, such as:

  1. Internet Explorer;
  2. Microsoft Edge;
  3. Mozilla Firefox;
  4. Chrome;
  5. Opera;
  6. Safari.

We expressly inform you that any change to the terms of storing and receiving cookies may cause certain difficulties in using the Website.

The Website uses the following plug-ins that process User’s  data:

  1. AcyMailing – a plug-in that allows the User to subscribe to a newsletter through a dedicated form available on the Website. The use of AcyMailing enables the creation of a database of e-mail addresses of Users who subscribed to the newsletter using the form as well as the preparation of the newsletter and its sending to e-mail addresses given by the Users.;
  2. TM Ajax Contact Form – a plug-in that enables the creation and functioning of a dedicated form of contact with the Controller (the form sends a message to a dedicated e-mail address indicated by the Controller);
  3. Contact Us Widget Slider – a plug-in which enables the User to fill in a dedicated form to contact the Controller (it sends a message to the e-mail address indicated by the Controller). The contact form is available on the home page of the Website.
  4. ChronoForms7 – a plug-in that enables the creation and functioning of the application form for the Innovation Hub Programme ( hiperlink). After the User fills in the form, the plug-in sends it to the e-mail address specified by the Controller;
  5. Screen Reader – WCAG – a plug-in which enables text-to-speech conversion and provides additional features such as: font enlargement and reduction, contrast change, character spacing change, grey shading, cursor size. The Website also provides a font change function for dyslexic users. To convert text into speech, the collected information is processed by the plug-in using Google Translate, supplied by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Republic of Ireland.

We reserve the right to unilaterally change the content of this Privacy and cookie policy to the extent permitted by applicable law, and in particular in the event of significant technical reasons, introduction of new functionalities and services, or modification or discontinuation of certain functionalities or services. Any such change will be communicated to the User by posting the relevant information along with a list of changes at

We use cookies for functional purposes to enhance the user experience on our website and to create anonymous service statistics. By not blocking cookies, you consent to their use and storage on your device.