‘New regulatory and supervisory challenges in the area of FinTech’ conference

The fourth edition of the conference ‘New regulatory and supervisory challenges in the area of FinTech’ begins on 26 April 2023 at 10:00. The conference is organised by: the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (FinTech Department), University of Warsaw (the Centre for Regulation of Financial Services and Technologies at the Faculty of Law and Administration), and FinTech Poland.

The conference will include an overview of regulatory, supervisory and technological challenges faced by the FinTech sector in Poland and Europe, in particular topics such as: the New Generation Financial Centre, regulatory work on payment services in view of the plan to adopt the Payment Services Directive 3 (PSD3), access of non-bank payment service providers to the payment infrastructure, Regulation on instant payments, amendments to the Directive on settlement finality, and the Buy Now Pay Later service in the Polish market.

The conference will be run as a hybrid event: in-person at the Central Technology Hub in Warsaw at 50 Krucza Street, and online.

More details and the registration form are available at:


Source: https://fintech.gov.pl/pl/komunikaty/303-aktualnosci-artykuly/1366-iv-konferencja-naukowa-nowe-wyzwania-regulacyjne-i-nadzorcze-w-obszarze-innowacji-finansowych

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